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A celebration for all creative graduates of the Manchester School of Art

This project was a collaborative effort between graduating students of the art school. The objective was to organise an end-of-degree celebration for students and staff across the art school, as we as to design an individual element of the night.

Odyssey: Projects

(My designed element)


As the celebration was the first of its kind, we decided to use a flexible aesthetic when designing. The only thing we decided to use as a constant was the colour palette, which would be the same as our posters and branding, and the use of cheap and cheerful materials that would give the night a raw and constructed feel.


Designing the initial space of the night, I decided to create an art school manifesto, that would establish the event as well as rounding off the three years of study. Everyone's manifesto is different however, so I created movable elements that would allow the user to change words and phrases accordingly. 

Odyssey: Bio
Odyssey: Gallery
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